Home Projects Vacations

The thrill of victory & the agony of da feet, da back...
Patios, fences, decks, finished basements, landscaping - there's not much the Broke Homeowners haven't tried their hand at. We're sure you can relate to extra trips to the hardware store, extra trips to the garage or basement for additional tools, budget overruns, schedule overruns, delayed implementations, and of course, long overdue successes.

Join us as we peruse some of our Home Improvement Projects.

Saturday, November 20, 1999

Finished basement

The home owner's 'final frontier.' It's dark, it's dingy, maybe even moist. And you wanna create inhabitable space down there?

Trips to Home Improvement Centers: 10

This was a huge project and this tiny little post doesn't do it justice at all. For what it's worth, here's some pictures during construction.

Don't miss the
thumb casualty!A small, but deep, cut to the right thumb delayed this project.Hey, I had to get a tetanus shot and everything. It's my mouse thumb, for cryin' out-loud!