Home Projects Vacations

The thrill of victory & the agony of da feet, da back...
Patios, fences, decks, finished basements, landscaping - there's not much the Broke Homeowners haven't tried their hand at. We're sure you can relate to extra trips to the hardware store, extra trips to the garage or basement for additional tools, budget overruns, schedule overruns, delayed implementations, and of course, long overdue successes.

Join us as we peruse some of our Home Improvement Projects.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kitchen Faucets

Having the right tool for the job is half the battle. Using the wrong tool can turn a 30 minute project into a weekend-long project and create additional costs in replacement parts and having to buy the right tool anyway.

I know these things. So, why is it that when we purchased a new kitchen faucet this weekend I didn't go into the plumbing aisle and pick up the right specialty tool for the job? Why did I listen to that overconfident voice in my head saying, "You've got an ultimate set of tools - you'll be fine."? Why did I fail to listen to years of my own personal experience? Why? Why I ask you? Someone please tell me!

Well, whatever the reason, I didn't get the right tools. Fortunately, it wasn't installing the new faucet but removing the old one that required the specialty wrenches. A small victory, perhaps, but at least I didn't break the new faucet trying to use the wrong tools. It only took two trips to the local hardware store for the right wrench and new supply hoses. But, my two-hour project could (and should) have been a 30-minute job.

Do yourselves a favor people, get the right tool on the first trip.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rest in peace, Austrian Pines

A couple of times a year, we accumulate enough brush for a big burn pile. Over the winter, we lost several Austrian Pine trees so we had plenty of accelerant to get things going. Unfortunately, the thought to capture the moment on camera didn't come until way late in the burning process. The picture below shows the fire going out as we were wrapping things up for the day.
For those of you who have never seen a dry pine tree burn, let me tell you, it's a scary thing. Those things go up in a hurry and burn very hot! It will make you think twice about putting a "live" tree in your house at Christmas time. If you haven't already seen a "burning Christmas tree" video, here's one for you so you can see for yourself. Let's be careful out there, folks!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where did all that mulch go?

Here are some before and after shots of the backyard with and without the 40 yards of mulch we moved.

Note the difference in shadows on the ground, too. It was a long day. Next up? Shrubs of course!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Did someone say mulch?

Oh what a weekend... It's Spring in the good ol' Midwest and that means it's time for the annual mulch festival. For purposes of this post, festival equals having mulch dumped in your driveway so you can cart it to where it needs to be in the yard. Fun, huh?

With the relatively recent addition of our fence to the yard, we are putting in a lot of new planting beds around it. Of course, planting beds require mulch - lots of it. Perhaps insane amounts of mulch. Does 40 yards sound like too much? Well, it wasn't! Oh, by the way, what you see at right is only 20 yards - half of what we moved.

Between the hours of 7:30am and 4:30pm, we were mulch-moving-maniacs. But it's done and we even beat the rain that came the next day. Ah yes, good times for Broke Homeowners.

The pictures at the right illustrate the driveway in the various stages of the mulch festival: before the mulch was delivered, after the mulch was delivered, and after the mulch was properly distributed.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Planting Beds, hedges, and shrubs - oh my!

Remember the post about the fence? (You ought to, it's right below this one) Remember those hedges and planting beds I mentioned? Well, Spring is in the air and it's time. Oh goody!

So far, we're in for 24 forsythia bushes and about 50 cubic yards of grass/soil removal to make way for the mulch. I'm sure you'll hear more about this one in the coming weeks...