Home Projects Vacations

The thrill of victory & the agony of da feet, da back...
Patios, fences, decks, finished basements, landscaping - there's not much the Broke Homeowners haven't tried their hand at. We're sure you can relate to extra trips to the hardware store, extra trips to the garage or basement for additional tools, budget overruns, schedule overruns, delayed implementations, and of course, long overdue successes.

Join us as we peruse some of our Home Improvement Projects.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

PVC Fence

With a new yard, comes a new fence. This one was a bit more of an ordeal than our last one. First of all, we had a homeowners association to deal with this time around which, by the way, was about 99.9% of the challenge with this project. Seems, even though the covenants are perfectly clear that fences are permitted, certain individuals in the neighborhood are just plain opposed to fences. Funny thing about it is, some those who are opposed have fences of their own!

Anyway, after we spent two years getting through the homeowners association (threatening a lawsuit along the way), we decided to have the fence professionally installed. Not that we couldn't do it, but the installation cost was such an insignificant amount relative to the overall cost, we figured we'd pay somebody else to do the labor this time. This was a big deal for us broke homeowners!

With the fence installed, it's now time to start on our planting beds and hedges. Does the fun ever stop?